Global Connects Global Opportunities

Effective global trade management is critical to enabling a company’s global supply chain. With today’s increasing trade complexities and enforcement of trade policies, staying current has never been more challenging or important. We pride ourselves in delivering effective strategy, assessment, design, enablement, technology, and innovative services.

Our trade advisory services span a broad range of capabilities, including customs and trade consulting, valuation, classification, origin and free-trade agreements, special customs programs and more.

Handholding for Import and export

We work with clients to deliver value and efficiency for their business, establishing and maintaining efficient cross-border operations keeping costs down to maintain strategic advantage

With customized needs to enhance key processes and controls, BlueEdge can help develop and manage robust import and export compliance programs.

Compliance and procedure advisory

We work with clients to deliver value and efficiency for their business, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations associated with cross-border trade

Export incentive

We work with clients to deliver value and efficiency for their business, customizing trade processes and controls to a business unit, company, or industry as well as mitigating risk issues related to conducting cross-border business.

We educate our clients around the vast gamut of the Foreign Trade

Policy of India- the regulations, policies and monetary incentives. We provide a specialised consulting platform for our clients by helping them optimise operational efficiency, diminish costs and expand revenue on their imports and exports. We guide our clients by identifying applicability of relevant law and stipulations on all foreign trade activities, diminishing the cost of imports, analyzing a client’s eligibility to claim an underlying government incentive and eventually monetary realisation.